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Living from the heart

This life of ours is such an incredible gift and I believe it is our responsibility to appreciate and to take care of ourselves, this beautiful planet we live on and all of life. To realise that we are nature and what and who we are is communicating with everything constantly. Whether consciously or unconsciously, through fear or desire. 


We are much like seeds or flowers in a garden and the outcome is dependent on the climate we create for ourselves and those around us. Within an environment of appreciation, forgiveness, respect, tenderness and well-being we will blossom into greater awareness to realise our full potential. 

What are you planting and how do you tend to your creations? 

My offer of support to women is in recognition to the feminine spirit which flows through our bodies in supporting others in seeing and experiencing beauty and truth within themselves. The more we can do this the more we create resonance..and our resonance creates our consciousness. 


When a woman recognises herself and appreciates her true nature then she will naturally feel inspired to share that with life.


This takes her from a place of needing to be validated, from low self esteem from excess fear and clinging  to one of a natural beautiful expression of herself. The focus is not on external requirement where we look to find our value through others but rather an internal alignment. Where our physical experience will begin to resonate with our inner most being so we feel the joy of actually being alive. This way we can be in a right relationship with all, so rather than looking for what we can get from life we are instead inspired to serve and offer our love and appreciation to all life. 


In this way love is not a pink fluffy emotion. Love is a way of being with life.


My art and paintings are an expression of love, joy, appreciation and gratitude to nature. 

Each individual painting is imbued with a message and resonance..and various methods are used for this, so that it creates shifts in consciousness for those who are open to receiving them. 


Animal Talk Africa

Stuart Wilde

Global White Lion Protection Trust

Robert Kelso

Mirabai Devi

Tami Kent

Lizzie Cooke

Eleni Gkikakis

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