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Energy Sessions



15 Min




1 hr




3 hr




6 hr


 This continuing journey of mine is linked with the learning and understanding of the remarkable creative energy of the female body. I have been specifically guided to focus on training in the second/pelvic energy centre and I am also a qualified Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner through Tami Kent.

This work evaluates, clears blocks and realigns to restore balance and enhance the flow of Light and energy through the female body and the etheric field. This is done by working with a woman’s energetic patterns and ancestral imprinting. This is much like an energetic finger print in the energy/etheric field that is carried forward from our ancestors and shows up in our lives in a physical and emotional way through various symptoms including fear, anxiety, illness and all various forms of limitation.

The pelvic/second energy centre is the seat of the Divine Feminine and in women is an energetic doorway. It is also linked to a woman’s access and connection to spirit, and what she is birthing or creating in this life.

Many women close this area off due to trauma such as sexual violence, miscarriage, abortion, birth traumas, fear and shame.  At the heart of this work is the intention to empower women to care for, love and use the beautiful, truly remarkable intelligence that resides in their bodies.

This work serves to open and deepen the connection to Yourself and the Light. And ultimately to live from your heart, your love and your inner being.

Sessions are held via a phone call / Whatsapp - no video necessary.

Your life and your health is a attention to how you are feeling and seek to feel better in life.

Love and Blessings to You and may you enjoy and appreciate the gift of Life.



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